Types of Dietary Fat

by Diane, M.P.H, M.S.

The four main types of fats that make up the fat in our food include monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, saturated, and trans fats:

  • Healthy fats (unsaturated):
    • Monounsaturated fats/Monounsaturates
    •  Polyunsaturated fats/Polyunsaturates
      • Omega-3 fatty acids
      • Omega-6 fatty acids
  • Unhealthy fats:
    • Saturated fats
    • Trans fats

Each type of fat behaves differently in our bodies, causing varying effects on our risk for certain diseases:

Healthy Fats

Type of Fat Major Food Sources
Monounsaturated Fat / Monounsaturates Olive, canola and peanut oils, avocados, non-hydrogenated margarines, nuts and seeds
Polyunsaturated Fat / Polyunsaturates

  • Omega-6 Fat


  • Omega 3 Fat
Safflower, sesame, sunflower and corn oils, non-hydrogenated margarines, nuts and seeds 

Fattier fish, canola and soybean oils, flax seed, omega-3 eggs, walnuts

Unhealthy Fats

Type of Fat Major Food Sources
Saturated Fat / Saturates 


Trans Fats

In many prepared foods made with hydrogenated oils, as well as fatty meats, full-fat dairy products, butter, lard, coconut oil, palm oil, palm kernel oil and cocoa butter

In all foods made with shortening or partially hydrogenated vegetable oil, and many snack foods, fast foods and ready-prepared foods


“Different Types of Fat.” Health Check Program. Heart and Stroke Foundation. 2010.

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