Easy Ways To Live A More Healthy and Eco-Friendly Lifestyle

by Diane, M.P.H, M.S.

  1. Eat less meat, less processed food, and follow a more nutritious, plant-based diet.
  2. Don’t eat foods or drink from BPA-lined cans or containers.
  3. Open windows to let in fresh air and open blinds to let in natural light.
  4. Use only energy-efficient appliances and electronics.
  5. Fix leaky faucets to prevent water waste.
  6. Wash clothes with cold water and hang them on a clothesline to dry.
  7. Use leftover bathwater or “grey water” to water plants.
  8. Turn off lights when not in use.
  9. Use waterless car wash to wash your car or bike.
  10. Walk, ride your bike, and take public transportation when possible, instead of a car.
  11. Avoid idling your car. You’ll save money, fuel, and keep hazardous pollutants out of the air.
  12. Combine multiple errands into one trip.
  13. Use natural, nontoxic materials to clean with and avoid harmful chemicals.
  14. Turn old t-shirts into “new” cleaning rags.
  15. Make your own natural shampoo, lotion, skin masks and cleansers.
  16. Print documents as little as possible, opt for paperless billing, and pay your bills electronically.
  17. Recycle bottles, cans, newspapers, paper, etc.
  18. Donate items you no longer need or use, and buy used, rather than new, when possible.
  19. Use reusable bags at the grocery store and reusable containers at home.
  20. Make meals using leftovers, and freeze food before it goes bad.
  21. Reduce your food waste, and compost what you can.
  22. Landscape your yard with native plants, and plant a tree.
  23. Set your thermostat 1-2 degrees lower in winter, higher in summer, and do a home energy audit.
  24. Get a reusable water bottle and use it.
  25. Avoid or minimize one-use items (disposable razors, diapers, plasticware, paper plates, etc).
  26. Read magazines, newspapers and other publications online, and unsubscribe, or cancel, all junk mail.
  27. Unplug at least once a day to enjoy some sunshine, fresh air, nature and the environment around you.

“We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.

Native American Proverb

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